A Walk Through Our Video Blog

Welcome to the video blog portion of A Walk Through the Tombstones!

Our videos are too long to upload here, so I have added a separate page with links to each one of the videos on YouTube.  I do have a YouTube channel for them, though it is not listed in connection with my blog.  

Please check back often!  I am going to do as many as I can.

I hope that you enjoy them.

#1 - Rose Hill Cemetery, Bloomington, Indiana.

#2 - Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Smithville, Indiana.

UPDATE:  Well, due to technical difficulties (slow internet upload speed, laptop not cooperating and software no longer working), I haven't been able to do anymore videos.  I honestly don't know when or if I will be able to do anymore long videos.  But since I do still want to do something showing the beautiful cemeteries that we visit, I have decided to sign up for TikTok account. It's easier for me to do videos this way and to update more often.  The videos are shorter, but it works well.  Please check it out at the link below.  


I am not going to list the individual videos since there will be several.  Instead, please head over to the link above and check them out. 

UPDATE AGAIN!!  Ok, so the TikTok thing did not work out well for me.  My phone does not like it.  So, with that in mind, I am going to start up my YouTube again!  I started filming this week and I will be hopefully starting to upload in March with one or two a month to start with.  I'm doing the ones close to me first off and will hopefully get out to some other ones as time goes on. Thanks for all that have watched the videos that I have up so far!!

Thanks for watching all!!


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