Monday, February 17, 2025

Plans for 2025

 Hello all!  

It's February already and it's cold.  I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do for my blog and my YouTube channel since things have been slow for me.  It's getting harder and harder for me to get around.  Chronic illness sucks.  But, to keep me going, I am going to start working on getting back to as many of the local ones that I can so I can restart filming for my YouTube channel!

I only have two videos up at the moment and those were uploaded...I think.. 8 years ago!  Wow, time flies. You can watch those here for the time being. I may de-list these while I work on new ones, but I will see.  I have gotten three filmed, but I haven't edited them yet.  Video editing is very new to me and I'm still learning, so hopefully, I will get there soon.

My daughter and I are planning a spring break day drive up to Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.  There will be a series of posts and videos coming from that trip.  I also found two new ones in Monroe County that I should be able to get to as soon as it warms up a bit and the snow goes away.  Also, dealing with a car repair at the moment that I am trying to find a way to pay for.

I would love to be able to get out further afield and maybe do more historical blogs and stuff as well for my Our Historical Indiana page since I haven't gotten much done there.  I have a few drafts going but haven't gotten much more done with all of the research.

Anyway, so as I was saying when I started this entry.  I was thinking about the future of the blog and YT channel and was wondering what anyway thought about simple merch and maybe a KO-FI or Patreon so that I can afford gas and lunch for further travels over the coming months and into the following years.  Any thoughts, please comment below.  

Take care all and see ya in the next one.


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